A rib stitch pattern with diagonal strands of openwork.
k= knit
p= purl
yo = yarn over
sl = slip a stitch without working it from the left needle to the right one
psso = pass the slipped stitch over
p2 tog tbl = purl 2 stitches together through back of the loop (enter stitch from the back instead of the front)
Cast on multiples of 10 plus 3
Row 1: *p3, yo, sl 1, k1, psso, k5* p3
Row 2: *k3, p4, p2 tog tbl, yo, p1*, k3
Row 3: *p3, k2, yo, sl 1, k1, psso, k3*, p3
Row 4: *k3, p2, p2 tog tbl, yo, p3*, k3
Row 5: *p3, k4, yo, sl 1, k1, psso, k1*, p3
Row 6: *k3, p2 tog tbl, yo, p5*, k3
Row 7: *p3, k7*, p3
Row 8: *k3, p7*, k3
8 rows make up pattern.
lovely pattern! if i were to knit this in the round, would i just have to exchange knits and purls every other row?
i am making a swatch of this beautiful pattern. but my yarn over holes are really big. is there anyway i can make them smaller?