Vertical Waves Free Knitting Stitch

Vertical Waves Free Knitting Stitch by Knitting Bee

Vertical Waves Free Knitting Stitch by Knitting Bee

Create ocean like waves extending upwards in vertical panels with eyelets in between. This is a great beginner lace pattern as it utilizes basic stitches, knit, purl, yarn over and knit two together.

Vertical Waves Free Knitting Stitch by Knitting Bee

Vertical Waves Free Knitting Stitch by Knitting Bee

This stitch does have a tendency to travel diagonally, but it can be stretched into place for knitted garments.

Vertical Waves Free Knitting Stitch by Knitting Bee

As always a credit would be appreciated if you use this stitch!


k= knit
p= purl
yo = yarn over
k2tog = knit 2 stitches together

Note: Please refer to “lace stitches” for a deeper explanation of the stitches mentioned above

Please repeat the pattern between the asterisk’s *

Cast On Multiples of 8 + 1

Row 1: * p1, k5, k2tog, yo, * p1

Row 2 and all alternating rows: k1, *p7, k1*

Row 3: * p1, k4, k2tog, k1, yo, * p1

Row 5: * p1, k3, k2tog, k2, yo, * p1

Row 7: * p1, k2, k2tog, k3, yo, * p1

Row 9: * p1, k1, k2tog, k4, yo, * p1,

Row 11: * p1, k2tog, k5, yo, * p1

Row 12: k1, *p7, k1*

12 rows make up pattern.

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