17 free knitting patterns tagged monster
Cute tiny alien kitted pattern created by Hannah Kaminsky from Bitter Sweet! Find the free pattern here: link
Cute grumpy little dinosaur from Kat Knits! Find the free pattern here: link
Cool felted monster backpack from Tejemanejes. Find the free pattern here: link
Rachel from Tree Party has created this cute little alien! Find the alien knitting pattern here: link
The Xlormp Doll (monster) by the writer of the xlormp livejournal! Get the free pattern here: link
Xtreme Knitting has created these three great dinosaur patterns to share! Find the free pattern here: link
Fuzzymitten created these irresistible mini alien amigurumi! Get the free pattern here: link
From Heather Rupestur another cute monster amigurumi. Get the free knitting pattern here: link